Is the choreography very difficult to learn?
The choreography has been designed so that people of all ages and abilities can learn it relatively easily. It is only five minutes long and you should be able to learn it in just a few sessions.

How much does it cost to participate?

Big Dance is totally free!

All Ausdance workshops held in the lead up to the event are provided free of charge and the event its self is also free to participants and audiences alike.

I’m not very good with technology, can I register for a workshop or event over the phone?

Yes you can, please call Ausdance New South Wales on (02) 9256 4800 or Ausdance Victora on (03) 9689 2055. We will be able to register you for events and post you out a copy of the video and the music.

What is your access for Big Dance events and workshops?

Big Dance workshops are held in a range of spaces all across Australia. Accessibility varies from venue to venue.  Venues who have informed us that they are wheelchair accessible are listed on our events page. 

The Big Dance 2018 events in Victoria and NSW were wheelchair accessible and had Auslan interpreters.

Please let us know of any specific access needs when registering for an event or workshop. We want everyone to dance the Big Dance! 

Can people volunteer to help?

Yes, they certainly can. Details on how to register as a volunteer will be added close to event dates. In the meantime register here to get updates about BIG Dance 2010

I am teaching the Big Dance 2018 to my students, should I just pick one colour?

Depending on the size of your group, you may pick just one colour or divide the group into three and teach all colours. It will be easiest if each student only learns one colour.

I see in the 2018 tutorials there is mirroring, what is that?

The NAISDA developing artists have mirrored parts of the choreography for you to learn. This is so when you watch online you can simply copy exactly what you see them do. When you watch the performance of the Big Dance, it is shown from the perspective of an audience member. This is not mirrored. 

Have another question? Contact us